
Equanimity is a heightened state of balanced awareness.
-James Wanless

Equanimity is a word that describes a lack of partiality - 
in other words, evenness.
-Sarah Powers

Equanimity: the perfect balance of mind
undisturbed by vicissitudes, ups and downs, joys and sorrows.
A mind that stays balanced and even.
-Joseph Goldstein

Our relationship to our own internal process -
to the constantly changing kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and sensations -
is where equanimity starts.
-Sandra Maitri

When we are equanimous,
we are in a state of emotional balance,
which begins with a balanced view of ourselves and others.
-Sandra Maitri

Equanimity is developed as we learned to keep our heart open
through the changing circumstances of our life and our practice.
-Joseph Goldstein

The very attitude of equanimity -
not valuing one experience over another -
allows us to be with the Whole of our experience,
and in doing so, to experience our Wholeness.
-Sandra Maitri

The absolute acceptance of a just Law that governs the universe,
based on knowledge of its existence,
would mean neither the repulsion nor the seeking
of what that Law brings or withholds.
But even without that knowledge, one can take what comes with equanimity.
-Nilankantha Sri Ram

Equanimity is a spacious stillness of mind,
a radiant calm that allows us to be fully present
with all the different changing experiences
that constitute our world and our lives.
-Sharon Salzberg 

To have the radiant calm and unswayed balance of mind
that we call equanimity is to be like the earth.
-Sharon Salzberg

Serenity means the serenity
with which you hold your place.

Calm in quietude is not real calm;
when you can be calm in the midst of activity,
this is the true state of nature.
Happiness in comfort is not real happiness;
when you can be happy in the midst of hardship,
then you see the true potential of the mind.
-Huanchou Daoren

And once we have the condition of peace and joy in us,
we can afford to be in any situation.
-Thich Nhat Hahn

He has not lived in vain
who learns to be unruffled
by loss, by gain,
by joy, by pain.
-Angelus Silesius

If you are always prepared for accepting everything we see 
as something appearing from nothing,
then at that moment you will have perfect composure.
-Shunryn Sukuki

Let life unfold in silent equanimity.
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young , "Mooji"

Should you desire great tranquillity,
prepare to sweat white beads.

The secret of maintaining yourself in equipoise,
in suspension above becoming,
is an emotion that has become absolutely sublime, impersonal, cosmic.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

In the state of cosmic equilibrium
There is nothing to abandon or practice.

Sitting alone in a great silence,
even though the heavens turn and the earth is upset,
you will not even wink.
-Nyogen Senzaki